Hi and Welcome!
I want to share a little about me and my wellness journey. I have always been more "naturally" minded and always tried to find clean and toxic free products. This was only heightened with I went back to school at 43 years old (eeekkk) for massage therapy, where I was really introduced how our bodies work and how toxic products can harm it. I really started paying attention to what I was eating, using on my body and cleaning with - I was saddened to find that most products that say "Natural" on them really weren't. This began my quest to find the cleanest and best products out there for me and my family.
Thankfully one day Rob Rinato contacted me about using Young Living Essential Oils in my massage business. I will say I had been introduced to Young Living while in massage school, so I had a very basic knowledge of them. We learned about Aromatherapy in school and the benefits of it in therapeutic practices.
I loved Young Living Essential Oils, the smell of them were amazing, better than anything I had every used or smelled before, their promise to purity was very key for me and the company was founded on giving back. I started using them with my clients and the results were amazing.
I had had some health challenges prior to this, I knew I needed to do more to give myself the best chance for a healthy, happy and long life. I started replacing toxic products in my life, supplements, beauty products, cleaning products and so on. All I can say is WOW! What a difference! I can't say I never get sick, because I work with the public and well the bring me lovely gifts sometimes (aka germs), but it is rare and I recover really quickly. AND it was sooo easy to do. No I didn't replace everything at once, I chose where I wanted to start and went from there. Every month on my Essential Rewards I added more products. Easy peasy.
I am now committed to sharing my love and knowledge of Young Living Essential Oils with the world. I want everyone to know they have true toxic free options for every part of their lives. I want everyone to live their lives to the healthiest and fullest! I can not wait to help you on your journey! Welcome and let me know how I can help!